Fishing in Toronto

—–Original Message—–
From: Verge, Shawn (MNR)
Sent: Wednesday, March 08, 2006 3:43 PM
Subject: Picture on your website

Hi Ron,
I found your picture of a youth fishing the Toronto Islands and was hoping I could use it…long story short I sit on a committee whose objective is to promote fishing in urban areas (its also my job) and this committee will have a booth at the sportsmen’s show next week. With your permission I’d like to add that photo to a slide presentation showing people fishing around the City. If you have any questions please contact me at the numbers below.
Shawn Verge
Urban Fisheries Extension Biologist
Ministry of Natural Resources
50 Bloomington Road
Aurora ON, L4G 3G8
ph: 905 713 7412
cell: 416-845-2173
fax: 905 713 7361

From: Ron Foreman
Sent: Wednesday, March 08, 2006 4:00 PM
To: ‘Verge, Shawn (MNR)’
Subject: RE: Picture on your website

Hi Shawn,
Please go ahead; thanks for asking; if you need a higher resolution just ask and I’ll send it.
Best wishes!!

Ron Foreman
Helping entrepreneurs and not-for-profits make the most of the Internet!
(647) 999-8543
21 Lascelles, Suite 809, Toronto, ON, M4V 2B8

Fishing in Toronto

“Fishing in Toronto” taken by Ron Foreman, July 10, 2004

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