The Toronto Man to Man Prostate Cancer Support Group Survivor’s Forum, July 26, 2006

Aaron Bacher, Paul Gauthier, Ron Foreman, Marc Durocher, Frank Zoebelein, Ray Turner, Gordon Burchill

I was one of six presenters at the Toronto Man to Man Prostate Cancer Support Group, Survivor Forum, July 26, 2006. Slideshow

Here is my presentation.

Hi everyone! My name is Ron Foreman and I moved to Toronto 2 years ago from Montreal where I was born in 1945. I’ve always been physically active: swimming, skiing, long distance running, and more. I haven’t smoked since I was a teenager, have been sensible with my eating and alcohol consumption, and have had a PSA every 2 years since I was 50.

Late last fall, in 2005, my PSA went from 3 to 7. I had a biopsy on January 13th of this year and received the results on January 25th: Stage T1C and Gleason 6; and that’s good news as far as prostate cancer is concerned.
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